5 Ways to Improve Customer Engagement through Social Media

5 Ways to Improve Customer Engagement through Social Media

Do you ever get the feeling that your efforts to create great social media posts are going into vain? This happens when your posts don’t get comments, likes, and the desired reach as per your expectations and hard work, even after having great content.

This creates frustration. Isn’t it? Such lack of engagement can have serious consequences. Social media is a powerful tool to spread your brand message and reach new audiences.

However, with low engagement, frustration kicks in and potential branding or sales opportunities slips away. 

But hey, there’s good news! You can have a good grasp over your social media and boost customer engagement.

In this blog, we’ll talk about 5 key strategies that will help you in transforming your social media engagement from a quiet boredom zone to a vibrant active community.

Craft Compelling Content

The heart of every social media post lies in its content. People on social media seek engaging and relatable content. This makes them feel involved and a part of a big community.

Here’s how you can craft compelling content:

  • Focus on Quality

Quality of your content is a major tool to attract a larger audience. Imagine scrolling through your social media feed and getting plain posts full of texts. This makes you feel sleepy and bored, right?

Your content should be visually appealing as it catches the eyes of the audience. Make your content relevant as per your target audience and keep it informative and relatable. Avoid using long sentences and break the texts.

All this helps in keeping your audience engaged, creating a community, and building brand loyalty.

  • Encourage Interaction

Your interaction with your audience plays a vital role for customer engagement. Almost every business or brand interacts with their audience via regular posting format.

However, to be different and more interactive, you can ask your customers to share their experiences with your brand. This helps you in constant improvement and creating a  community.

Apart from this, you can also put polls or a few generic open-ended questions on your social media stories.

Open-ended questions help in understanding customers needs and polls help in more participation in a fun way.

  • Host Live Sessions

Hosting live sessions frequently helps in communicating with your audience directly and addressing their concerns in real-time.

This adds a personal touch to your relation with your audience and keeps the brand transparent.

  • Use the Power of Storytelling

The power of storytelling allows your customers to relate with your brand or business in a better way.

Along with providing real-time data and facts, focus on crafting stories that express your brand and revolve around it.

  • Keep your Content Concise

Nobody is interested in reading long paragraphs and a bunch of texts. This makes people sleepy.

To avoid this, keep your content short and crisp. Focus on breaking down your content using bullets, numbered lists, and images.

  • Stay Consistent

Posting consistently keeps your audience engaged and makes them want to come back regularly for more content and updates. This also shows your discipline.

So, create a posting schedule and stick to it regardless of the situation.

Collaborate with Influencers and Organise Giveaways

Collaborating with influencers and organising giveaways allows you to connect with an already established audience and sparking up the excitement. This also helps in making good relationships with fellow influencers.

So, while collaborating with influencers, you should keep the following points in mind:

  • Collaborate with the Right Influencer

Choosing the right influencers to collaborate with is highly important as this can define the outcome of your efforts. Don’t get fooled by the follower count.

Look for influencers who have similar interests or target audience as yours and who truly understands and connects with your product or service. This ensures that your ideas or business name is reaching the right people.

  • Define your Campaign Goals

Clearly state your reasons and the expected results with the influencers before collaborating.

Explain to them your ideas and the message which you want to spread among the audience while giving them the freedom to innovate.

  • Focus on Partnering with Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers are the influencers with 10k to 50k following. The fan following of such influencers is usually more engaging and niche.

This ensures that your brand or business will reach a more engaged audience.

Apart from this, micro-influencers charge less money for brand endorsement. So, this makes it a budget friendly option as well.

While organising giveaways, you should keep the following points in mind:

  • Keep up with the Excitement

Once you organise any contest or giveaway, this creates an excitement among your followers.

Now, your job will be to keep up with their excitement by frequently putting up stories or posts related to the contests or giveaways before it starts.

When you post stories or posts, your followers can reshare it. This helps in drawing attention towards your business and reaching more audience.

  • State the Rules Clearly

Defining participation rules, objective, and eligibility criteria clearly helps in ensuring fair participation of the audience.

This also helps the audience to understand all the required information about the contest or giveaway.

  • Offer the Relevant Prizes

Consider such prizes which are relevant to your target audience and can easily reach them.

You can consider prizes which the winner can use more often. This strengthens your relation with the audience and helps in connecting to more people.

Raise your Voice for the Necessary Issues

Raising your voice for the necessary issue shows how attentive and involved you are. Here’s what you can do for better involvement:

  • Highlight the Causes that Concerns You

Highlight the necessary issues that concern you, your industry, or your audience. This shows you are actively involved in other aspects too apart from work.

You can share stories, post about the cause, connect with relevant organisations, or do volunteer work for more involvement.

  • Encourage Participation of Others

For the relevant causes, encourage others, especially your audience to participate and speak up. This can include encouraging them to share their own experiences or asking them for voluntary work with your business.

Consider and Utilise Social Media Insights and Analytics

Social media insights and analytics act like your roadmap to success, if used correctly.

Tracking your social media helps in

  • Understanding your audience in a better way
  • Refining your strategy
  • Identifying your areas of improvement
  • Discovering the right time and data for the maximum reach

For better understanding of your social media, you can track the following metrics:

  • Follower Growth

This keeps a track of increase in the number of your followers over time.

  • Engagement Rate

This tracks how actively your audience engages with your content in terms of likes, shares, and comments, compared to your total audience reach.

  • Impressions

This helps in understanding and analysing how many times your content was displayed to your audience on its own, even if the users have not interacted with your content.

  • Reach

This represents the total number of unique people who reached or interacted with your content on their own.

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)

This gives the percentage of users who clicked on any kinds of links within your post to know more about the business.

Focus on Social Listening and Respond Strategically

Social media is not just about posting content. It is about focusing on two-way communication. This especially helps when you target better customer engagement.

Actively listening and strategically responding shows your business’s discipline and focus on customer satisfaction.

Here’s how your active listening and strategic responding boost customer engagement:

  • Participate in Industry Conversations

Be a part of relevant conversations and discussions related to your industry. This shows your awareness and knowledge of your industry.

Your active participation in such discussions helps in attracting potential customers and keeps you in the limelight.

  • Respond Actively and Publicly

Responding in a thoughtful and timely manner whenever someone mentions your business like in the comment section or stories shows that you value their feedback and are open for others opinions.

For all public comments, you should ideally reply within 24 hours of mentioning.

  • Focus on Brand Mentions

Monitoring brand mentions helps in understanding your business’s value and areas of improvement.

You can use social media tools or manually search for the mentions of your brand using your relevant keywords, hashtags, and your brand name.

  • Embrace Healthy Humour

A touch of humour can make the process of making connections much easier.

So, don't be offended and embrace healthy jokes. However, always avoid involving in offensive humour.

  • Take Ownership of Praise and Criticism

Putting your business publicly on social media opens the doors for praise and criticism. So, don’t hesitate from taking the ownership of both.

In the case of positive comments, acknowledge them publicly and express your gratitude. In the case of negative comments, accept it (if it is relevant) and show your willingness to improve.


Social media is a community and building relationships is a key to connecting with the community. Understanding the reasons behind low engagement and doing the required actions are necessary for continuous growth.

The major ways to improve customer engagement are:

  1. Craft compelling content
  2. Collaborate with influencers and organise giveaways
  3.  Raise your voice for the necessary issues
  4. Consider and utilise social media insights and analytics
  5. Focus on social listening and respond strategically

In this blog, we have highlighted the

  • Importance of creating visually appealing and high-quality content
  • Use of interactive elements like polls or hosting live sessions
  • Participating in relevant discussions

All of this helps in connecting with larger audiences.

Remember to leverage the social media analytics data as it helps in understanding your audience and identifying areas of improvement for customer satisfaction.

So, be creative and look at social media as a platform for two-way communication. Adapt the strategies suggested in the blog and start improving your customer engagement.